Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Womb of Silicon Valley

Garages are near-mythical representations of the innovation and technology in Silicon Valley. A great many startups have emerged from these oft-ignored spaces ina typical house and spawned new industries, multi-million dollar companies that have coem to define and revolutionize the way human beings lived, are living and will live in the centuries to come. Here's an article referencing how the garage-originated startup, by the innocuous moniker of HP, was used by David Packard and Bill Hewlett in 1939. This garage, located at 367 Addison Ave, Palo Alto, CA, is now almost a shrine for HP employees to pay homage to on of the many shrines around Silicon Valley today.

More examples of garage-inspired great Silicon Valley enterprises include Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak's darling -- Apple Inc --> currently basking in the universal infatuation inspired by their iconic iPods. Of course, we cannot forget Google's late infancy stage (as they were born first in another mythical birthplace of startups- the college dorm) in Susan Wojcicki's garage too, further adding another aura of mystique.


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